Crave Kit 3.0 is a beautiful & sleek multipurpose User Interface Kit.
This UI Kit has 7 segments based on new trends.
Crave Kit is an all-in-one fully customizable, element on the go kit and crafted with deep UX Research, all designs are auto-layout ready with responsive layout.
It has been designed in an elegant way so as to fit both IOS and Android Guidelines, specifically following iPhone 13 guidelines and grid. all symbols and objects are vector-based and easily editable.
Containing 90+ (50+ New Screens) total screens which are well layered and well arranged.
Key Features:
✅ Better categorization, and fully customizable
✅ Autolayout ready - responsive screens
✅ No Lorim ipsum
✅ 93 Screens Total, 7 Categories
✅ Compatible with Figma
✅ Vector-Based & fully editable
✅ Opensource Fonts & Icons
✅ Iphone 13/13 pro compatible
7 Concept app categories:
+ Initial (Login, register)
+ Onboarding
+ Social
+ Ecommerce
+ Corporate/Finance
+ Food
+ Subscription
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