
Paperti – platform to find property to rent and a forum

Paperti – platform to find property to rent and a forum

With the rapid pace of technology, you've decided that it's time to start your own digital business. Luckily, we have a premium UI kit for those who have chosen to enter the property industry.

Paperti is a premium UI kit with 50+ screens, 99+ combinations of components, and a responsive website in three different versions: mobile, desktop, and tablet. We are constantly updating these features, so you'll always have the latest version at your fingertips.

It’s a fully customizable and well-organized UI kit that will help you create an amazing property app. We include a map view design to locate the property accurately, a browse page to show the list of properties that users search for, a detail page to inform users of the specification and prices of the property, and many more. It’s a perfect solution for building a real estate app, property management app, or property listing website.

The design is compatible with Figma and is made in a way that it’s easy to use. You can easily customize the elements based on your requirements. We also included the style guide to make the design maintains its consistency.

We are offering free lifetime updates once you purchased this package. The price will increase every time we make an update, so the sooner you buy it the cheaper it will be!
