📦 Product Description
Inspired by the Father of Modern Medicine, the Osler UI Kit is a comforting & patient-centric design solution for creating personalized telehealth mobile applications — from appointment booking to telehealth AI chatbot. 🦾🏥
Designed with simplicity and care, the Osler UI Kit empowers you to create a cohesive AI telehealth experience that nurtures connections between doctors and patients. 📞🤗🏥
🛒 Try it For Free: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1275777141020788543
✨Product Highlights
✅ 200+ Screens, 170+ Components, 2x Bonus Dashboard!
✅ Dark Mode Support, HIG/Material Guideline
✅ Holistic Design Principle
✅ 40+ Healthcare Illustrations
✅ osler Icon Set
✅ osler Design System
✅ Smart Layer (Autolayout) & Clean Naming
✅ Lifetime Update & Support
✅ Font Included (Nunito by Vernon Adams, Google Font License)
💾 File Formats
The SH osler UI Kit is exclusively available in Figma format for streamlined optimization, updates & and integration into your healthcare design workflow. 💪🌈✨
⚙️ Changelogs
Stay tuned for exciting updates as we iteratively improve the SH osler UI kit based on user feedback! ⚙🌟
— 2023/10/01: Initial SH osler v1.0 public release